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Bringing advanced
technology into the body

Advanced technology has completely changed our daily lives. Implantica has spent over a decade developing and patenting how to bring such advances into the body.

Our Mission

Cornerstone Platform Technologies

Implantica has spent over a decade developing and patenting how to bring technological advances into the body. These technologies are still in development and not yet commercially available.

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Smart Medical Implants Pipeline

Medical implants previously seen as unachievable will seek to alleviate unmet medical needs (products in development).


eHealth - The Future of Healthcare

Our implantable eHealth platform, not yet available, is designed to dramatically change healthcare.

Step into the future

Potential paradigm shift in acid reflux treatment

This CE marked device is based on a unique invention that treats the cause of acid reflux, a treatment field affecting 19% of the US and 17% of the EU population weekly1.

Learn more about RefluxStopTM

Capital Markets Day

September 26, 2023

Watch the webcast

Press releases

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  1. 1. Nirwan, J.S., Hasan, S.S., Babar, ZUD. et al. Global Prevalence and Risk Factors of Gastro-oesophageal Reflux Disease (GORD): Systematic Review with Meta-analysis. Sci Rep 10, 5814 (2020).

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